Prema/Divine Love
It is the power of love that is responsible for the earth to rotate without a pivot.
It is the power of love that makes the stars stand across the sky without falling on the ground.
It is the power of love that keeps the oceans within their limits.
It is the power of love that makes the wind blow incessantly in all the worlds.
That power of love is mysterious, infinite, most wonderful and one without a second;
It permeates the entire cosmos.
The entire creation is saturated with love.
(Telugu Poem)
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 33 (2000)
God is everywhere, though He may not be directly visible to the eye. God is present even in air, but you cannot see Him there.
Syrup is sweet; why? Because it contains sugar. Can you see the sugar in the syrup? No. Just because you cannot see it, can you deny the fact that there is sugar in syrup? To do so would be stupid. How then do you know there is sugar in the syrup?
Through experience. Just as sugar is the basis for sweetness of syrup, God is the basis for Love, which is omnipresent. God is all-pervasive, and His presence is nectarine. If your heart is full of Love, then you will unfailingly experience His nectarine presence and sweetness everywhere. Life will be ever sweet for you, and you will always be able to share that sweetness with others.
The child drinks mother’s milk and finds it to be sweet. Did the mother add sugar to the milk? No, mother’s milk is sweet by nature. That is the way God made it. In the same way, God’s Love is sweet and is present everywhere. It is up to you to extract that sweetness and enjoy it just as a baby sucks milk from its mother and even as bees suck honey from flowers. Do the flowers invite the bees? No, the bees go to the flowers spontaneously. In the same manner, you, too, should seek noble souls and absorb good things from them.
Summer Showers, (15 May 2000)
Fill the heart with love; then the words coming out of the heart will be full of vitality and power. There is no shakthi (power) more effective than prema (love). The grammar of love makes the words enter the hearts of the listeners and moves them into acceptance, appreciation, and action. A child’s prattle has no grammar, but it wins the love of the mother. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did not know the word ‘pension’; he said ‘pence’ once, instead of pension. Swami Vivekananda interposed with the correct word, but the Paramahamsa said that the word did not matter, it was enough if what was meant to be communicated was understood. The bhava (the idea intended to be communicated) is the real thing; the bhasha (language in which it is clothed) is of superficial interest only. I want you to imbibe the bhava; I want the poets to inculcate pure bhava, not pretty bhasha. If you understand the bhava which I am transmitting, then you can become genuine devotees and sadhakas (spiritual aspirants) and progress on the path of self-realization. Now there are bhaktas (devotees) by the million! They are increasing daily in number.
And you might have noticed, Sai Babas, too, have become very large in number! Also, people claiming association with Me, claiming that I have blessed them more plentifully than others, and authorized them to go about among the bhaktasand gain importance by collecting funds or donations! Real devotees will never announce such absurd claims or listen to such claims made by others. A true devotee will be steadfast in faith, whatever the ups and downs of worldly fortune. He prays to the Lord not for padhartham (material objects or the fulfilment of worldly desires), but for Para-ar-tham (the happiness that is supra-worldly). The Pandavas were such devotees, and so Krishna declared that He dwells in the heart of every one of those five brothers as well as of their queen, Draupadi. They are five examples for mankind in this Kali yuga (Iron Age).
I exhort everyone to cultivate Prema, for I am Prema, and when you manifest Prema, you are only expressing Me, the Indweller of your heart.
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 12 (1973-74)