Your Relationship with God

What is the meaning of satsang (good company)? Sath is the name of Divinity. It is changeless in all the periods of time. It is eternal and is present in you. You have to understand this eternal principle. To do so, you have to be in communion with Sath.

Milk is very happy in the company of water. The combination of water and milk can be termed satsang. That is ideal friendship. When the milk is boiled on a stove, the water gets evaporated. The milk, unable to bear the separation from water, tries to jump into the fire. The moment you sprinkle some water on the boiling milk, it gets pacified. The milk is happy on being united with its friend.

The same relationship exists between nara (individual) and Narayana (God). God is very happy when the individual joins His company. But God feels very sad when the individual diverts his attention from Him and gets immersed in worldly pleasures. Once the individual surrenders completely to God, He is happy again. Due to the effects of Kali [Iron] age, the individual separates himself from God. The individual may not feel sad, but God feels sad because His friend, the individual, is parting ways with Him.

True Meaning of Satsang
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31

 What is that you need to do to make God happy? You should go close to God and worship Him with a sense of surrender. This is for your own sake. God does not ask for anything. Child sits on the lap of mother for its own satisfaction. When the child goes near its mother, she showers her love. When you want to be close to God, you do not need to go through sacred texts or undertake great spiritual exercises. Rituals and reading of holy texts are only worldly actions. They are meant only to give external satisfaction, but one must make efforts to experience inner satisfaction.

God Wants Only Selfless Love
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31

You all know that Deepavali [Festival of Lights] is approaching. With one candle you can light the other lamps. That candle is Divinity, and the lamps are individuals. It is only one Divinity that protects and sustains all. Light the lamp of Love in you.

Even worldly activities will become spiritual if you have Love. You can do your office work or business, you can also take care of your family; but whatever you do, do it as an offering to God. Let every activity be pleasing unto God. That is true devotion.

You should offer only your pure love and sacrifice. The relation between a devotee and God is only heart to heart and Love to Love.

Let Every Activity be Pleasing unto God
Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 31

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