Significance of Ganesha Worship

“The elephant-head of Ganesha is a symbol of intelligence, discrimination and wisdom. The elephant is ever alert and eminently conscious of its surroundings. Its memory is strong and deep. It treads through the thick forest imprinting huge footmarks on the track. One such print can subsume the marks left by the scores of other animals, both wild and tame…. It is a path-maker, helping others without being aware of it, because it is its nature. Ganesha guides the stars, the communities of men and their homes. He is the Lord of Obstacles, causing them when needed and helping men to overcome them, when that boon will promote the well-being of the supplicant.

There is astronomical support also for the Ganesha festival…. A constellation with the appearance of the elephant-head becomes brightly visible on this very night. Ganesha can teach many a lesson to man. That is the reason for His being adored by people of all ages and professions. [He] is adored as the source of Love, Faith, Intelligence, Guidance and Grace…. Gods are pleased when Puja (prayers) is offered to Ganesha even before any of them is propitiated.

Man is bound by three tendencies. The first is the longing to possess (kama). When that longing fails, anger (krodha) raises its hood. When that desire is fulfilled and the thing is gained, the third tendency, greed (lobha), overtakes him. If one’s desire is beneficial, the Divine will shower Grace. Ganesha has no desire, no anger, no greed. His Grace is available for all who seek good and godly goals. Look at the vehicle which He has chosen, the mouse! The mouse is a creature that is led, even to destruction, by vasana (the smell of things). Men are all victims of vasana (preferences and predilections stamped on our minds during past lives). Ganesha smothers and suppresses the vasanas which mis-direct man and create misfortune.

This day is Ganesha Festival Day. Since Ganesha leads when Gods are invoked, installed and adored, this Festival leads the long line of festivals for other forms of God…. The duty this day is to contemplate on the Universal and Eternal Truth embodied in Ganesha and worship Him with purity and faith, praying for the Grace which can prevent lapses and promote progress in all efforts to achieve the highest goal.”

(Extracted from Bhagavan’s Discourse at Prashanti Nilayam, 1985)

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