
It is the bounden duty of man in this life, as also in later lives, to know and experience the basic cause of the universe and all the love and sweetness it evokes in him. When that is done, man can have uninhibited bliss. All his misery is due to separation from that source of all. He is sat-chit-ananda (being, awareness, bliss absolute) swarupa (embodiment) and he must become aware of this fact so that he may be happy. If he believes that he is notsatbut a lesser principle, subject to decline, decay, and death, he will be haunted by fear and uncertainty. If he thinks that he is not chit, he will be caught in doubt and dialectics and will wander on the devious paths of delusion. If he assumes that he is not ananda, he will be struck by every passing gust of disappointment and be subject to sorrow on every trivial defeat. The basic cause of the universe is sat-chit-ananda, and since man, too, is a spark of the same first cause, he, too, is made of the same components.

The fear and anxiety, the grief and pain, the defeat and distress of man’s earthly existence—these are the result of his identification with falsehood. Man is truth, his consciousness is truth, So he ought to proceed from one truth to another, from one facet of truth to another brighter and clearer one. No one really moves from untruth to truth. What is called untruth is only partial truth, or dulled truth, or clouded truth. The ultimate goal is the uncovering of truth.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 14, P. 19-20

What exactly is truth? Is it the description of a ‘thing seen’ as one has seen it, without exaggeration or understatement? No. Or, the narration of an incident in the same word as one has heard it narrated? No. Truth elevates; it holds forth ideals; it inspires the individual and society, it is the light that illumines man’s path to God. A life inspired by truth will enable man to live as man, not degrade himself to the status of a lower species. From dawn to dusk, from the moment of wakefulness to the moment of sleep, if he devotes himself to his own deeds, is that a life inspired by the truth? No. By his good thoughts translated into good words and manifested as good deeds, man must promote truth in society and prove its usefulness. He is the image of God. He must be aware of the image of God that shines in society also.

Nowadays, people are fascinated by the false and keep away from the true, they ignore the true and pursue the false, they are not eager to know the truth, the eternal and the Absolute. Truth is the one awareness, the one Divine energy that activates every living being, nay, every particle of matter. The tiny seed of a banyan tree does not reveal to the human eye or to the microscope, the gigantic tree that it contains. The Divine energy within it prompts it to expand and become the banyan. Every cell, every spot, every atom is Divine, full of vast destiny. The recognition of this omnipresence of God is the mark of the theist. The atheist may proclaim that God is not. But deep inside him one can find the awareness of the Omnipresence. That is his truth.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 14,  P. 250-251

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