Unity In Diversity

People today acquire many types of education in this world, but they lack the knowledge of humanness. They see diversity in unity but cannot see unity in diversity. Embodiments of love! It is very easy to see diversity in unity; anyone can do that. But it requires a lot of effort to recognize unity underlying the entire diversity that exists in this world.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 26

You claim that you are a devotee, but what is the use when you have hatred, anger, jealousy, hypocrisy, malice, etc. in you? These evil qualities will ruin your life. Talk smilingly to others and develop the spirit of unity. So many people have come here. All of them have participated in bhajans, but how many have true devotion in their heart? Even if there are ten people with true devotion, it is enough. All of you should imbibe the spirit of unity. Whomsoever you come across, say, “He is my brother, she is my sister.” In this way, consider all as your brothers and sisters and conduct yourself with unity. All are children of God. Therefore, if at any time feelings of hatred develop between you and others, remind yourself that you are not separate from them. Consider that all are one, attain unity, and experience its bliss. Seeing unity in diversity is divinity and true spirituality. Study of scriptures, performing rituals, doing worship, etc. do not signify true spirituality. Recognizing the unity of the Atmic principle is true spirituality. When you realize this unity, you will earn divine grace.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 41

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, and ego are the primal substances out of which the universe is made. Mud or clay is the basic substance out of which the pot is made and is, therefore, the material cause for the pot. The potter without whose sankalpa (thought) and involvement the pot cannot arise is its efficient cause. Similarly, prakriti (nature) is the material cause for the universe and Brahman is its efficient cause. It is the will of Brahman that has created the myriad facets of this dynamic universe with its multifarious forms and innumerable objects. Yet, we must remember that it is Brahman that has manifested itself in all this infinitude. Krishna exhorted Arjuna to ignore the diversity in unity and discern the unity in diversity. We have to comprehend the non-dual Atmic nature of this world of multiplicity.

Summer Showers 1979 – Indian Culture and Spirituality

The ocean is one and indivisible, but here it is called the North Sea and there the South Sea! So, too, the Lord, the ocean of grace, is one, but He is assigned various names according to the age or era of time. The holy rivers seeking to reach the ocean flow from all directions; so, too, people seek the Lord through various spiritual disciplines and finally merge themselves, all of them, in Krishna.

Mankind can win happiness only through unity, and not through diversity. If thoughts and feelings run along the routes of distinction and division, happiness is beyond reach and peace cannot be experienced. Without peace, you have no chance to be joyful. Consider the one indivisible ocean as the goal. What does the direction of flow matter? What does the name matter? The rivers merge in the self-same sea, don’t they? Spiritual aspirants and devotees who adopt the path of yoga, the path of devotion, or the path of peace, dharma, truth, and love reach the ocean of grace at last, and name and form fade away; distinctions disappear. They are blessed with merger in the sea of peace.

So, unity must always be kept before the eye. Never nourish ideas of difference, of distinct names and forms of the Lord, of divergent paths. Such ideas are obstacles for the attainment of bliss. Avoid these obstacles; develop equal vision. Remember, peace is the royal road to strengthen that vision and reach the ocean of grace.

~Prashanthi Vahini

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