Who Am I

I am not the body, not the mind and not the intellect, then who am I? Here is what Baba says, in two letters reproduced in My Baba and I by Dr. John S. Hislop.

“You as body, mind or soul are a dream, but what you really are is Existence, Knowledge, Bliss. You are the God of this universe. You are creating the whole universe and drawing it in. To gain the infinite universal individuality, the miserable little prison individuality must go. Bhakti is not crying or any negative condition. It is seeing of all in all we see.

It is the heart that reaches the goal. Follow the heart. A pure heart seeks beyond the intellect. it gets inspired.

Whatever we do reacts upon us. If we do good, we shall have happiness, and if evil, unhappiness. Within you is the real happiness; within you is the mighty ocean of nectar divine. Seek it within you, feel it; feel it, it is here, the self. It is not the body, the mind, the intellect, the brain. It is not the desire or the desiring. It is not the object of desire. Above all these, you are. All these are simply manifestations. You appear as the smiling flower, as the twinkling starts. What is there in the world which can make you desire anything?”

“‘Message,” p. 179

“My Dear! You will find it deep within yourself. Think it many times, ponder it. It tells you about your true nature; it gives you hope. It gives you new life. It points the way. It proves to you that God is within you and you are not man; man is God. It shows you that it is possible for you to realize God (Swamiji), but you and you alone must ponder this work deeply. You will find that you will begin to know what is meant by the statement “The Self” cannot be explained…. “The Self-God” is within man. You are that Self; all else is illusion of the mind’s creation, the mind that creates, preserves and destroys.

My love, the great joy, the subtlety of the bliss that you will feel as you come closer and closer to your real self! If you strive to find your-self by using your mind you will strive and strive in vain because the mind cannot give you the truth.… sensitize yourself, awaken your true, fine, beautiful qualities. Above you—nothing, below you—nothing; to the right of you or to the left of you—nothing; and dissolve yourself into that nothingness—that would be the best way you could explain the realization of the Self, and yet that nothingness would not be the absence of something like nothingness. That nothingness is the fullness of everything, the power of the existence of that appears to be everything.”

Source: To Hislop with Blessings (Nov. 1971), p. 247

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