Ananda! O Ananda!

Ananda! O Ananda!
With beauty comes new Ananda!
With Ananda, new loveliness!
Ananda! O Ananda!

Premavahini poured Ananda;
First it came from Baba’s hand!
Dhyanavahini, He gave us next!
And then to give our restless selves
The key to peace, He wrote for us
Prashantivahini, from His grace
Ananda! O Ananda!

Saivahini—It then took form
As Jnanavahini, the wisdom stream,
To light the thorny parts of doubt
In mental realms of you and me;
He sat by us and held our hand
And led us into Truth!
Ananda! O Ananda!

The fifth! It is here, it flows from now,
The holy Dharmavahini,
To steer the lives of scholars and of simple folk
To teach, fulfill His purpose grand,
To tell us how to spend our span of years
True to the Truth He has built us on!
Ananda! O Ananda!

Tremors in griha and terror in graha
They melt like fog before Anu-graha!
The Lord of grahas! He is our Lord, too!
We are both housed in Mansion same
So our might is just the same as theirs.
Ananda! O Ananda!

The Grahas won’t harm, elements rebel—
They all obey His will, His plan!
The load of births, the burden of the past
His Will destroys; He shapes anew.
Ananda! O Ananda!

Dharmavahini, it has sprung today!
Slaking inquiry, teaching the way
Saving and solving, strengthening resolve,
Come, let us read, reflect and act!
Ananda! O Ananda!

                 Source: Sanathana Sarathi, March 1962