Yearly Archive: 1996

Swami on Love, Truth, and Service
This is the first in a series of two articles carrying the Divine message given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba in His discourses during the 70th birthday celebrations at Prashanti Nilayam. Embodiments of love,
Divine Discourses
March 1, 1996

Ramanavami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Rama. Sai Baba tells us that when we observe the birthday of a divine personality, we also have to follow his teachings, remembering what constitutes the
Divine Discourses
March 1, 1996

Spirituality Is a Pleasure, Not a Pressure
Dr. Kailash Kumar, lecturer in English at Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prashanti Nilayam, retired from the Indian Army in the mid-1980s before joining the college faculty. He has coauthored the book
Devotee Talks
March 1, 1996

We Love You
A young adult relates her experience of the ten days spent with Swami during the Summer Course in May 1995. I can still recall the ride from Kadugodi to Bangalore Airport at the end
Devotee Stories
March 1, 1996

“Love is a flower; lust is a thorn. Prema (love) can be truly called prema only when it recognizes divinity and only when it realizes that we should love the divine. That kind of
Thought of the Month
March 1, 1996