Monthly Archive: April 2021

Through Self-Enquiry to Self-Realization

The entire cosmos is governed by God God is governed by Truth Truth is governed by the supremely wise Such a noble one is equally Divine The entire cosmos is subject to the sway

The Play of the Divine

On Ramanavami festival day in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the Rama Principle. He explained the significance of the various actors, the cities, etc. He also said that the Ramayana was

Beloved Baba—Take My Hand

Beloved Baba, take my hand As I hold it up to you; Dispel the cloud of Maya Which obscures you from view. My haughty Self and You are One Which in my heart I

From Death to Immortality

Following is an article by a student devotee, Gaurav Khanna Death remains yet as an unsolved riddle. Where men go after death is the question many ask. Few know the answer. Lord Krishna told

The Renaissance of Dharma

 (Bhagavan’s Letter to Teachers) Camp: Prasanthi Nilayam, 18‑1‑74 Dear Votaries of Dharma! Receive my blessings. Ever since I came here, at Prasanthi Nilayam, I have been thinking of writing to you this important letter.

Swami Explains the Vedas

Sadhaka: All those who are loyal to Bharatiya [Indian] cul­ture accept the Vedas as authoritative sources for every aspect of life. They assert that the Vedas are the roots of their faith. What exactly

The True Offering

Among yajnas, there are two types—the outer and the inner, the outer being a reflection of the inner. The inner yajna is the bird in the hand; the outer, the bird in the bush.