Monthly Archive: July 2023


The following discourse was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on June 18, 1970, on the auspicious day of Gurupoornima. Gurupoornima is sacred for many rea­sons: this day, the seeker who suffers from

The Banana and the Peel

At the Onam festival in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that–”You must take this as the Onam message—strive to manifest, cultivate, and express love, and suppress pride and egoism, so that you

Guru [Dedicated to Sai Baba]

That Light because of which Men see the sun Whose all-Pervading Presence None have felt. Whose prime essential Essence is but One Pure Consciousness wherein All else has dwelt. Thou are that truth That

Suffering in Life

Look around you and you will see everywhere the specter of suffering. Try to understand it, and, more often than not it will baffle you. How, you will argue, can God the infinitely merciful

The Ego Barrier

In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says that one of the qualifications for a devotee to earn His love is “nirmamo nirahankaarah ” (XI I‑13), without mine-ness and without egoism, free from the feeling

Glimpses of Baba

(From “The Movement,” California) Movement Newspaper: You’ve mentioned prior to this interview the “Hour of God.” You said that this hour will be brought to us some­time during the 1980s. Will this come about


The heart of a human being should be full of the noble qualities of tolerance, perseverance, sympathy, and contentment. Only then can the human easily understand the principle of the Self and propagate the