Devotee Essay Archive

Be Perfect!

Years ago, Bhagavan granted interview to a group of youngsters from Kerala. Bhagavan graciously materialized a ring and put it on the finger of one of the boys. Amazed and overjoyed, he was enjoying

With Love and Gratitude

Anush Mohan was a student from 2004-2009 in the Department of Management & Commerce at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. Currently he is a Manager at Larsen & Toubro. Excitement ran

God Fulfils Himself

Sri V. R. Krishna Iyer was a distinguished senior judge in the Supreme Court of India. He began his career as a brilliant lawyer and was a Minister for Law, Home, Prisons and Social

Let Us Be Grateful

If God’s love for man is another way of describing His grace, what prevents us from responding to His love? The grea­test impediment to responding to His love and making use of His grace,

Baba and the Moon

Often as a child I had heard about the “Man in the Moon” but was never able to discern any such person no matter how hard or how often I looked. Then one evening

God is Love, Live in Love 

Once while I was sitting at His Lotus Feet, Swami asked my son who was also present in the Interview Room, “Whom do you love most?” Swami Himself, proceeded with the answer, “All the

Suffering in Life

Look around you and you will see everywhere the specter of suffering. Try to understand it, and, more often than not it will baffle you. How, you will argue, can God the infinitely merciful

The Ego Barrier

In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says that one of the qualifications for a devotee to earn His love is “nirmamo nirahankaarah ” (XI I‑13), without mine-ness and without egoism, free from the feeling

Sai and Sufi Tradition: An Islamic View

The Sufi tradition found its milestone of advaitic thought in the beliefs of Ibn­ al‑Arabi (1165‑1240) and the widespread acceptance of his theory of Wahdat‑al-Wujud [unity of being]. Al‑Arabi is nearer to Vedic and

Lead into Gold

In 1967 Howard Murphet, the author of the book Man of Miracles, spoke at a public meeting in Chennai [Madras in Southern India] in the presence of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Following is

Prasanthi Nilayam

Prasanthi Nilayam…. the Abode of Peace. The heart leaps at the very mention of the name. How we long to be there! We greet with joy those who are just returning from there, hoping

Noblest Deeds in the Eyes of Baba

What is in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name will smell as sweet. All names are His. It makes no difference by whatever name we may call Baba.