Monthly Archive: April 1999


India—a land blessed with the virtuous and divine minds of many great souls—was once bestowed with the enchanting presence of Surdas. Born to a poor Brahmin couple in 1473, Surdas spent his early years

Musician Talk

This article is based on a talk given by Mas Ikemiya, a world-famous musician, at the Manhattan Center in January 1999. I was born into a religious Christian family that began every morning with


Easter is the most sacred holy day in the Christian calendar. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus—His victory over life and death. In the biblical account, Jesus celebrated the Jewish feast of Passover shortly

Fixing the Mind on God

The late Dr. John Hislop was a long-time devotee of Baba and was the first president of the North American Sai Organization. He had an extraordinary amount of personal interaction with Swami. Hislop: The

Story of Nachiketa

Nachiketa was the son of King Vaajashravas. He was a boy endowed with super-intelligence, good virtues and a keen sense of discrimination. When Nachiketa was seven years old, his father decided to perform a

Readers Respond

The following are reactions to Swami ‘s Sankranti Discourse which was published in last month’s Sai Sarathi. I found Swami’s Sankranti Discourse profound. Swami shows us a brief glimpse of how He works and

What is Ignorance

In the Bhagavad Gita, when Arjuna refuses to fight against the Kauravas, claiming that they are his kinsmen and he would rather die than kill his own people, Krishna accuses him of suffering from