Monthly Archive: December 1999

The Way of Jesus
The following is taken from Christmas messages by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Christmas Discourses (1970-1998), Sathya Sai Book Center of America, 1999. Every person has come into the world as a messenger
Divine Discourses
December 1, 1999

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Avatar
An Homage by Somar Sundarum Cooppan Recently I awoke at three-thirty in the morning. I lay awake thinking about the presence of Bhagavan, a unique being on earth at the juncture of the 20th
Devotee Essay
December 1, 1999

Images of Sai
The following is taken from an article by Dr. Sulekha Randhir, an ex-student of Swami’s School. At the time of writing, she lived in Kuwait. Many seats were vacant on the Indian Airlines flight
Devotee Stories
December 1, 1999

Two Experiences at Swami’s Ashram
The following excerpts were taken from two talks given by devotees after visits to Puttaparthi. Love Within, Illusion Without The most remarkable feature of my most recent trip to Swami was the overwhelming love
Devotee Talks
December 1, 1999

The remarkable girl who would marry none but the Lord Andal is one of the most extraordinary personalities in religious history. She is known in her native tongue of Tamil as an Alvar, one
Small Stories
December 1, 1999

A Devotee’s Journey of Transformation
In the following excerpt from a special edition of Sanathana Sarathi, Italian Catholic priest, Don Mario Mazzoleni elaborates on the transformation he experienced after encountering Swami’s “vibration of Love.” What is it in one’s
Devotee Stories
December 1, 1999

Out of One, Many
The thought manifests as word, the word manifest as deed; the deed develops into habit; the habit hardens into character. So, watch the thought and its ways. Let is spring from love, love that
Thought of the Month
December 1, 1999
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