Monthly Archive: February 2007

The Voice of Shiva
The following discourse was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on Mahashivaratri day in 1974 just before the emergence of the lingam. He has explained in His own inimitable way the significance of
Divine Discourses
February 1, 2007

What Bhagavan Means to Them
As was reported in the August 1989, issue of Sanathana Sarathi, students from the Sathya Sai Secondary School at Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam, had been asked by Bhagavan Baba to speak at the Mandir during
Student Stories
February 1, 2007

Glory of Mahashivaratri
Of all the Hindu festivals, Mahashivaratri is my favorite. There is something profoundly holy about this special time of the year. My first trip to Swami, in 1991, was during Mahashivaratri. The place was
Swami's Teachings
February 1, 2007

The Lord’s Response
In November 1970, I had just finished reading, The Autobiography of a Yogi, by Parmahamsa Yogananda in which he refers frequently to the long‑lived Himalayan master Babaji. This Babaji seemed the highest being I
Devotee Stories
February 1, 2007

Food Habits
Question: Bhagavan, should we follow any discipline or regulation in our food habits? Is it necessary for our spiritual pursuit? Sai devotees all over the world are vegetarians because of your teachings. This is
Q & A with Bhagavan
February 1, 2007

Social Consciousness
In the following thought Swami talks about social consciousness and the transformation of all human. He says: The rich as well as the poor come to Sai Baba to seek love, peace, and liberation
Thought of the Month
February 1, 2007
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