Yearly Archive: 2008

Mind is the Instrument for Liberation
What is mala? Man commits many offences, knowingly or unknowingly, not only in this life but also in previous lives. The imprint of these actions is carried by the chitta (memory), life after life,
Thought of the Month
October 1, 2008

The Esoteric Significance of Ganesha Worship
With your elephant’s trunk And single tusk, and benign looks, With the tingling of your anklets, And your prodigious belly, Looking like a dwarf, But capable of bestowing all knowledge, Oh son of Parvati!
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2008

Devotion and Self-Sacrifice
The world has had many great souls who sacrificed their lives for truth, Even now there are many who have given their lives for the good of others, There are many who have not
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2008

Walk for Values 2008
Committed to Making a Difference, One Step at a Time All eyes were turned to the skies on the morning of June 22, expecting thunderstorms that had been predicted by all weather forecasters. But
Mid-Atlantic Region
September 1, 2008

Roots into the Deep
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in His discourse on Guru Poornima [the day when the guru or teacher is venerated], said that recitation of the Lord’s name, penance, worship, and vows or disciplines all
Divine Discourses
July 1, 2008

The Malady of Egoism
Egoism, that satanic thing that lurks within us like an ever-present shadow of evil, is what prevents us from realizing the unity of God and His creation. Egoism makes us think that, as individual
Swami's Teachings
July 1, 2008

i often wondered what i would save in the event of a fire we all stared in shock and disbelief rooted to the concrete pavement as menacing black crouching dragons mushroomed bombing the shivering horizon spewing red

The Love of the Gopis
Bhagavan Baba has spoken about the gopis and their devotion to Lord Krishna on Krishna Janam Ashtamis [the day He was born] past. He has said that the inner eye and the inner senses are
Divine Discourses
July 1, 2008

Listen To Your Heart
Sweetness flows from Sathya Sai Baba. It is a full and steady stream from which all weary wayfarers may surely quench their thirsty hearts. “Love all and serve all,” He says. Love all and
Devotee Stories
July 1, 2008

Man’s Sorrow, Delight, and Infatuation
What is the cause for man’s sorrow, delight, and infatuation? The cause can be traced to the different kleshas (sorrows) that afflict man from time to time. The first sorrow that afflicts man is
Thought of the Month
July 1, 2008

The Cleansed Heart
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in the following discourse, urges us to surrender completely to the Lord and make our every action a yajna [sacrifice] rather than a battle. Gain, gain, that seems to be
Divine Discourses
June 1, 2008

My Sai Sivam
Once Bhagavan Baba had told me, “Why do you need a puja [worship] room and my photo to pray, when I am within you all the time?” From that day, I entirely believed in
Devotee Stories
June 1, 2008
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