Yearly Archive: 2008

Love Conquers All
I have been to India many times since 1977, and invariably people ask, “How was the Taj Mahal?” My answer is always the same, “I have never been there.” “So, where have you been?” they
Devotee Stories
January 1, 2008

The Question and the Answer
Do you remember when you chose? The time when you chose this life The day you chose these lessons The moment you chose your parents The second you chose to be You Why do

Namasmarana—the Panacea
Diamond cuts diamond. Thorn removes thorn. Karma cures karma. Karma, derided as causing the dualities of grief-joy, pain-pleasure, birth—-death, also brings about liberation from the chain of duality. Karma causes both bondage and liberation.
Divine Discourses
January 1, 2008

Thoughts and Desires
John Hislop: Swami, conflict between people appears to be inevitable. What to do? SAI: Conflicts do come about, but they should be limited to that point, to the fact of conflict and should not
Q & A with Bhagavan
January 1, 2008

Sanctify Every Moment
This New Year day is an opportunity to contemplate on the vastness of time, of its speed, of the short span of time that we share and which has to be put to the
Thought of the Month
January 1, 2008
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