Monthly Archive: January 2015

Hopping on One Leg

Goodness in this world and Godliness in the hereafter can be ours if we walk on two legs—one-pointed devotion to the almighty and selfless service to the distressed, says Bhagavan Baba in an early

The Lotus Feet

The worship of the lotus feet of the Lord is a unique feature of Bharatiya [Indian] culture from time immemorial. Padasevanam [worship of the feet of the Lord], as Baba stresses, is the fourth

The Divine Play

For most of us, after we come under the influence of Sai and begin to live His teachings, our vision of the world and our whole life changes. Other dimen­sions of reality than the

Advice i Discarded

The following article is a report by Indra Devi, an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Baba, on the happenings during a Sai Baba seminar she held at her center in Mexico City. “Go slowly on

Social Work, With a New Look

All that I have witnessed, experienced, and learned since I was brought to that radiant personality, so full of love and compassion, known as Sai Baba cannot be explained. I can but only try

Destiny and Karma

Bhakta: What is the use of confidence and hope when one is not destined? Hope will only cause greater disappointment. Swami: Has destiny a shape and a personality so that you can recognize it


“A regular study of the Vedas [scriptures] and the practice of their teachings confer all forms of wealth. The Vedas are a gift of God for the welfare of the entire humanity. The Vedas