Monthly Archive: June 2016

True Sacrifice
In June 1988, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke to the students in the Institute Hostel and told them what He expected from them. We may not be studying in His Institute but we
Divine Discourses
June 1, 2016

The Safety Pin
The year 1966 was a very special and auspicious for us. It was the year that brought us to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Since then, we have learned to leave all our burdens
Devotee Stories
June 1, 2016

Wherever You Are, You Are Mine
Following is an article by Sohan Dutta, a Student in the Department of Physics at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. Currently, he is a Manager of Business Strategy
Student Stories
June 1, 2016

Their Shelter & Their Strength
This is a talk given to about 60 students of the Sri Sathya Sai Arts & Science College, gathered in Bhagavan’s presence on a sandy riverbed in the Bandipur Forest, Mysore State. A highly
Devotee Talks
June 1, 2016

Be Human
In an ancient Hindu temple, a number of pigeons were living for quite some time on top of the gopuram (the monumental tower at the entrance of any temple). This wasn’t such an uncommon
Radio Sai Stories
June 1, 2016

Asking God…
Hislop: Is not praying to God the same as begging? Sai: To beg from an equal puts you down and him up. But when you ask God, you rise up to His level. You
Q & A with Bhagavan
June 1, 2016

Harmony in Thought, Word, & Deed
Embodiments of love! Everything in the world has a value, but the value of the spoken word cannot be easily measured. By his words man can acquire every kind of wealth. By their words
Thought of the Month
June 1, 2016
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