Yearly Archive: 2019

How to Cultivate Friendship with God

In August of 1978, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke to the Brindavan hostel boys about friendship. Following is an excerpt from that discourse. Sneha [affection] is the eighth of the nine stages of bhakti

Sai—My Everything

Srinivas is currently a Doctoral Research Scholar in the faculty of Business Management & Commerce at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. It is beyond my ability to write

Here He Is

God’s World of Happiness, Is on the Verge of Tears; For all His Love and Workmanship, Has been devalued through the years. So now the time has come, For God to come on Earth,

Darshan: Meaning and Significance

Darshan is the moment when our eyes get the blessed opportunity to see the Lord. Somebody said, “Man walking on the moon is not so important when God walks on earth.” God, whom the

Sai’s Jewels to Beautify

Bhakta: Swami, tell me how we should, generally, conduct ourselves. What are the qualities we should possess? Which type of subjects should we try to under­stand? To receive the Divine grace and to attain

God is All-encompassing

God is the echo of the hills, the flutter of the leaves, the whisper of men, the babble of children, the Om (primordial sound) that is wafted everywhere. God is present at all places, but

Sri Sathya Sai Advises Parents

Bhagavan inaugurated an exhibition entitled ‘Creative Creation’, organized by the students of Brindavan Campus as part of the Hostel Day celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai College, Brindavan, on 4th and 5th of February 1984.

Loudon Sai Center – Offerings to the Divine Mother 2019

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, the children of the Loudon Sai Center – Story Group – Ages 4, 5, and 6 of the Mid-Atlantic Region, submitted

Manhattan Sai Center – Offerings to the Divine Mother 2019

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, the children of the Manhattan Sai Center – Groups 1 and 2, of the Mid-Atlantic Region, painted portraits of Mother Easwaramma.

Jersey City Sai Center – Offerings to the Divine Mother 2019

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, the children of the Jersey City Sai Center – Group 1, of the Mid-Atlantic Region, submitted artwork in honor of the

Cherry Hill Sai Center – Offerings to the Divine Mother 2019

May 6th of each year is observed as Mother’s Day. For this occasion, the children of the Cherry Hill Sai Center – Group 2, of the Mid-Atlantic Region, submitted artwork in honor of the

Easwaramma⎯An Homage

The Lord said In the Gita: In every age when this Earth Is dominated by sin And evil prevails, I descend on Earth To redeem humanity. However, while descending Even the Lord has to