Yearly Archive: 2020


The mind wills, yearns, prompts and insists on effort and action. This process is named sankalpa. These are like shasanas (commands). Everyone has to be aware of the variety and validity of the actions

How to Cultivate Friendship With God?

Sneha [affection] is the eighth of nine stages of bhakti (devotion) described in the Bhagavatam [scripture] and other texts. It is usually translated as ‘friendship’, a term that has been understandably vulgarized by application

The Lazarus of Sai Baba

O Christmas Season of recent past—Blessed by a drama that Baba directed: As Lazarus was raised, after breathing `his last’, Walter Cowan was thrice `resurrected’. When spirit left the body’s brace Sai appeared at

Learning in the Presence of Bhagavan

We came to the presence of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in 1948, and since then Bhagavan has been guiding us. In the presence of Bhagavan we have learned so many things; in fact,

Should You Ask God for things?

Hislop: Is not praying to God the same as begging? Sai: To beg from an equal puts you down and him up. But when you ask God, you rise up to His level. You

I Am I

Be he a student, a celibate, a householder, or a renunciant, the goal is one and same for all. Contemplate on the principle of so-ham [that I am] that your inner voice teaches. Say