Monthly Archive: September 2022

Spiritual Significance of Ganesha Worship
On Ganesha Chaturthi, Bhagavan Baba said in His discourse that we should not have contempt for any religion, as each religion is a pathway to God. We should foster love toward our fellow-beings, and
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2022

Redemption Through Renunciation
The day when devotees hail the Lord with adoration; The day when people fraternize with the poor and the distressed; When servants of the Lord are treated to a pleasing feast; When the great
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2022

His Children
Our wonderful Lord is so great There is none whom He will hate By following Him, we His children Shall surely prosper in life’s long run. His powers are so great His word makes

Guru in Hinduism means a personal spiritual teacher or guide. The syllable ‘Gu’ means darkness or ignorance and the syllable ‘Ru’ stands for repeller of darkness. So a Guru is the light of awareness
Devotee Stories
September 1, 2022

Doctors and the Divine
A devotee from the Far East who had been confined to the wheel‑chair for a number of years, is wheeled into the “interview room” at Trayee Brindavan [Swami’s ashram in Bangalore]. Half an hour
Devotee Essay
September 1, 2022

The World is a Mirror
Hislop: Swami mentions Vedanta [one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy]. What is the correct use of that word? Sai: Vedanta is metaphysical enquiry of the divine, the world and the valid experience
Q & A with Bhagavan
September 1, 2022

What Is Work?
Embodiments of love! Teachers and students! In this vast expansive world, times are becoming worse, and great changes are happening very quickly. Man is giving up his body even before he has been able
Thought of the Month
September 1, 2022
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