Monthly Archive: October 2022

Amritha Vani

They speak of two types of karma [action]: dehika and daivika (physical and spiritual). But this division is absurd and even dangerous. All acts and activities are spiritual, the body is but an instrument

Shankara’s Advaita

The Arishadvargas (the six enemies of Man) get a foothold in his mind because it is filled with the darkness of ajnana [ignorance]. They are nocturnal birds like bats and owls that cannot tolerate

Your Mercy

Before I had the luck or as I see it now Your Mercy came down on me like the star‑light penetrating through the encircling gloom I little knew what form to meditate. The gods

Baba and the Bees

The other day here in Prasanthi Nilayam I was listening to a story about Baba being told by Mr. Kasturi to a group of us Westerners. The story related to a cat who called

Baba Answers

Question: Swami! Excuse me. A person observing you moving amongst people and choosing some of them for special attention is puzzled why some are left out. Sri Sathya Sai: Yes. It is quite natural

Mastering two fields of Knowledge

The human being is like a seed. Just as the seed sprouts into a sapling and grows continuously into a tree, the human has to grow and attain fulfilment. This requires mastering two fields