Yearly Archive: 2022


There are five types of roots of sorrow (kleshas) that cause suffering to humans. These are: Ignorance (avidya), ego sense (asmita), desire (raga), hatred (dwesha), and fear of death (abhinivesha). What is meant by

The Immortal Guide to Immortality

These days when anxiety casts its shadow over the land, the recollection of the birth and achievements of Rama acts as armor to the agitated mind. Rama is in truth the Vedas [scriptures] personified.

When the Doorbell Rang

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba entered our lives in the strangest way. Ever since His grace flowed for the first time in 1966, the bond of love has maintained its pace all these 19

The Real Panchangam

In 1961, on the Tamil New Year day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that we should not take the predictions of astrologers seriously, instead we should take things as and when they come.

“To My Fellow Pilgrims”

Have you heard our Baba speak? Have you heard our Baba speak At public meetings anywhere? He never calls it speech; Nor will you name it so! He does not raise His voice, harangue,

Ramayana Epic Characters Explained

Bhakta: Swami, last time you spoke of the Mahabharata war; in the same manner, does the Ramayana also happen in everyone’s heart? Swami: Undoubtedly! It does take place systemati­cally and in the same sequence.

Remove Defects in Character

Egoistic individuals love to exercise authority over others. They see everything through glasses colored by the smoke of selfishness and self-love. “My words are true”; “My opinion is correct”; “My deeds are right”—Such attitude

What are the Three Types of Transformation?

Human life is full of many secrets and mysteries. It is full of many powers. It is full of attraction. Man is a powerful magnet. He is a powerful electric generator. There are three

Understanding the Relationship between Man and God

Many imagine God to appear before them in response to Yagnas and Yagas [Vedic rituals] that they perform. All these are illusions. It is just imagination. What ultimately manifests before you directly is the

Some Experiences with Divinity

I could not believe that He was what He claimed to be. It was the 22nd day of October, 1983. I was sitting in the darshan line. The day was bright and sunny. A

Baba is the Breath of My Life

The world is a big theatre where the sky is the roof of lights Big and small. The Earth is carpeted green dotted with colors And all the lives in the sea, in the

Sri Sathya Sai: The Omniscient One

Denny George Melkey was a student from 2002-2009 at Swami’s University. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Someone once said, “The