Monthly Archive: June 2024

Four Responsibilities of Every Human Being

Among all the living beings, man is sacred. In this world, it is but natural that a person who is occupying an important or high position will have great responsibilities. Similarly, man occupies the

Journey Into Light

Swami always says, “I am in you, with you, above you, around you, below you.” Swami has been with us from time immemorial, for many lives, even though we don’t know. However, when He

The Lord Is Here

When thou art happy, little one, Then Sai is thy companion gay Laughing with glee, roaring with mirth, Willing to join in thy innocent fun­— When thou art happy, little one. When thou art

Turn Him Over to Me

The Cowans “Why can’t we know God? If we must have Self‑realization, why don’t we?” wailed the Cowans—Walter and Elsie. “We followed one belief after another; each step gave some little wisdom, but no

What Is the Purpose of Life? 

The boys were pleading with Swami to come to the hostel. Swami: (To the elders in the Portico) Good boys, good voice! Very good music. It sounds like a Qawwali, does it not? (To

Nature Is the Best Teacher

If there is a boil on the body, we apply some ointment and cover it with a bandage until it heals. If you do not do this, it is likely to become septic and