Monthly Archive: July 2024

At Every Level of Consciousness

It is the bounden duty of man in this life, as also in later lives, to know and experience the basic cause of the Universe and all the love and sweetness it evokes in

Swami Carried Me Through

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sister Shailaja Rabindran shares about a series of experiences in which Swami’s love and grace carried her through a very difficult period in her life.  


Honorable Sri Atal Behari Vajpayee, the late Prime Minister of India, spoke at the summer course on June 20th, 1978. He spoke about the importance of dharma. Let me make it clear, at the

The Golden Touch of His Feet

(“In sorrow after sorrow, it is His steps that press upon my heart, and it is the golden touch of His feet that makes my joy to shine” ~Tagore) I am the pilgrim and

Region 2 – Retreat Play 2024

I was asked to write a play for the SSE Groups 1-3 back in July of 2023 by Brother Chetan Bhatt, Region 2 SSE Coordinator, while on his flight to the West Coast. Brother

Path of Inquiry

Bhakta: At least to keep up appearances in the world one has to sometime say, ‘this is mine.’ What is one to do then? Swami: Of course, you may have to say so. But


Every activity of man is dependent on the energy he derives from the intake of food. The spiritual sadhanas [spiritual practices] he ventures upon depend for their success on the quantity and quality of