Devotee Essay Archive

From Mother to Devotee

To be the “Mother” of the Avatar is undoubtedly a blessed and unique pri­vilege for any woman. But to recognize the Divinity of the Avatar and to accept one’s own role as one of

Part of the Task

“Death came with a dagger to kill Dada; but I struggled with him and brought him down. Now, Dada is safe.” “Death attempted to snatch Dada Saheb away; but I did not let him,”

The Sadhaka and the Scholar

Every animate being has to attain fulfillment. That is the destiny, however hard, however long, the journey. When and how are determined by the nature of the cumulative effects of many lives. The effects

The Mother

People conceive of God in various ways—as Saraswati, the bestower of wisdom, as Lak­shmi, the bestower of prosperity, as Vishnu, the preserver and protector of man, as Vighneshwara, the remover of all obstacles in

The Three D’s

Bhagavan’s mission is to bring about a spiritual transformation, in order to save mankind from the abysmal depths of materialism into which it is blindly heading at present. His self-imposed task is to weed

Bhagavad-Gita and Bal Vikas

Bal Vikas [a values-based program for children, now known as Sathya Sai Education (SSE) teachers must realize the sanctity of the Bhagavad-Gita [The Song of God—an epic], and its teachings. The aim of the

The Refuge

O Bhagavan Baba, with what gracious love, You as Adi Narayana [Lord Vishnu] flew to the rescue of Gajendra [the elephant] hearing his cries of extreme distress and prayers of one-pointed devotion, when he was

Why Worry

Worry is a self‑inflicted subtle pain in the mind of man. It is the result of unfulfilled desire for satisfying some whim or fantasy. Worry buffets its victims between hope and despair; they drift

God in Human Form

God is formless and with form, too; He transcends both form and formlessness. God with form is visible, we can touch Him and feel Him and be aware of His presence. Such is Bhagavan


Though our minds naturally turn to the sacredness of Gurupoornima, Baba has been telling us, “Every day is Gurupoornima; every day is Thursday, the day of the guru.” We should contemplate this truth with

Memories of Mother Easwaramma

It is always with a sense of extreme gratitude and indebtedness that I remember my family’s association with Srimati (Smt.) Easwaramma, the earthly mother of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It would have been

Tell Me About Sai Baba

A child’s introduction to the Lord: to be read to, or read by the young child From time to time, in the life of the world, Lord God Himself is born in a body