Devotee Talks Archive

The Avatar of Love
The author, Richard Margolin, wrote this article for our publication, based on a talk given by him at the Silent Retreat in New York in October 1993. ( Part 1 | Part 2 )
Devotee Talks
January 1, 1994

My Fellow Travelers
Bisu Sohani was the guest speaker at the Manhattan Center guest night on Thursday, the 2nd of December 1993. This is an edited version of his talk. Sai Ram. One of the most frequent
Devotee Talks
January 1, 1994

Sai Baba—As Divine Mother and Father
This is a transcription of the talk at the Silent Retreat in NY in October, 93 We sing many bhajans which refer to Swami as Mother and Father. Clearly, He represents different things to
Devotee Talks
January 1, 1994