Divine Discourses Archive

Four Steps

In this discourse delivered on a past birthday, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba urges us to strictly follow the ancient prescription laid down for different stages of life to attain mental peace and equanimity. The culture

For All Mankind

Sathya Sai Baba urges us to abide by the quintessential Vedic message—employ our body and mind to realize the pervasive Divinity in and around us. With just a few virtues but with scholarship vast  What

Good and Bad

Sathya Sai’s discourse on a distant Deepawali day holds as good today: light the lamp within to destroy the negativities, and rejoice as God shines forth. The body is the temple where God dwells within,

Sanctified by Three Avatars

Bhagavan Baba, in this divine discourse on the holy day of Onam three decades ago, reminds the people of Kerala of the immense spiritual heritage that drew several divine incarnations to their soil, and

Raso Vai Sah

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in this discourse delivered on a Krishna Janmashtami day long back, firmly encourages us to cultivate universal love—the only way to God. It is a great pity that in

 The Five-letter Mantra

In this powerful discourse, delivered on the auspicious Guru Poornima day nearly three decades back, our beloved Bhagavan Baba clarifies the way to the seat of the Divine—devotion coupled with good resolutions. Man is the

Attain Enlightenment by Renouncing Desires

In a recent discourse, Bhagavan Baba enlightened the devotees on the underlying unity of beings and creation during the festival of Buddha Poornima. All the names and forms are but the manifestations of the

Live Up to Your Role

In this discourse to the service arm of His organization, Bhagavan Baba emphasizes seeing the Divine in the served as key to personal transformation. Divinity is present in everyone in an unmanifested form. All human

The Race and the Prize

In this Divine discourse delivered nearly a half a century back, Bhagavan Baba urges us to visualize, seek, and merge in God—the ultimate prize in the race of life. Man’s life has a beginning and

Make Every Moment Holy

Bhagavan Baba in this discourse delivered on the Andhra Pradesh new year, called Yugadi, urges us to embrace the truth behind the celebration: The Divine itself is the new year, permeating everything, endowing us

Significance of Shivaratri

In the following discourse Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphasizes the role of moon as the presiding deity of the mind as He expounds on the real purpose of Shivaratri. There are many different

Green Across the Door

Even in this very early divine discourse, Bhagavan Baba energetically affirms the truth He constantly urged us to seek and realize: we are divine. Sages who designed the Hindu calendar have arranged the holy