Divine Discourses Archive

The Faith and the Ideal

To place one foot forward, man needs an inner urge, a purpose, a prompting. His will is moved by his wish. Therefore, man must endeavor to wish for higher and holier goals. His mind

One Flame, a Billion Lights

Bhagavan Baba has emphasized that we must enlighten ourselves by destroying our lower tendencies and celebrate the Deepavali festival. This year it falls on October 26th. In various parts of India, there are different

The Revelation

In this extraordinary revelatory address at the Sathya Sai organization’s first world conference four decades ago, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba categorically declares His Divinity and His sankalpa [determination] to establish Sanathana Dharma—eternal path—worldwide.

The Ganesha Principle

In the following discourse Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke to the students and shared with them the significance of the various aspects of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. The world has many exemplary

Bhagavan’s Compassion

Bhagavan was in Brindavan in April I994. The ashram brimmed with people from all over the world. Every one of them had come there to seek Baba’s blessings for success in their varied endeavors,

Yaga is Tyaga

In His discourse in August 1970, Bhagavan Baba said that God’s grace could be won through discipline and good character. He also said that a gift is a meritorious act and should be rendered without pride

Full Minus Full

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba endearingly walks us through steps that cultivate devotion to the Divine and help us reach our lives’ goal in this loving discourse delivered on the occasion of Guru Poornima

Devotion of the Gopis

The gopis [cowherd maidens] of Krishna’s time are synonymous with bhakti [supreme devotion]. In this discourse, Swami expounds on their faith and teaches us how we can attain it. The meaning of the Krishna

Mathura Nagara—This Puttaparthi!

During the Dasara celebrations in October 1961, our beloved Swami often spoke about Himself and how we should attempt to regulate our relationship with Him. Readers will find here nectarine snapshots from His many

Women Symbolize Sacrifice

Rama’s divinity blossomed under Kaushalya’s loving care; Lava and Kusha [twin sons of Lord Rama and Sita] could become powerful and famous due to their noble and virtuous mother Sita; The love and care

The Ramayana Family

On Ramnavami day in April 1971, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the values and ideals that are depicted in the Ramayana [scripture] and urged that we should follow them to make our

The New Year Dress

In the following discourse, Bhagavan Baba explains what and how we should celebrate the New Year. The New Year must usher in a new step in spiritual discipline. The old must be rung out;