Divine Discourses Archive

The Predicament of Man Today

The influence of the Western style of life and the alien language has eroded the glorious culture and righteous conduct of the people of Bharat (India). It is high time Bharatiyas [Indians] wake up

Grow in Love

The magnificent Poornachandra Auditorium was packed to capacity on November 19th, when Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba inaugurated the Third World Conference of Sathya Sai Organizations by lighting a lamp on the elegantly de­corated

Four Steps

On His birthday in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that people are neglecting the lessons of the four stages of life ashramas in search of material pleasures and joys. These are for

Try to be like Jesus…

Baba in His Christmas message said that Jesus teaches infinite love and compassion. To resurrect love and compassion, you must kill jealousy and selfishness, purify your hearts. Follow the path shown by him and

The Purpose of Human Life

You say atma, atma! What is this atma? Earlier, the sages had seen atma as perfect love. But atma is higher than perfect love. There are four objectives of life for every man. They

Sri Sathya Sai On: How to Become Best Sai Students?

In the following discourse to the students in the hostel, Bhagavan said that as Sai students they should not only be serious about their studies but also inculcate discipline and purity in letter and

Stoop to Serve

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave a discourse for Ganesh Chaturthi in 1971 and said: service, the utilization of time, and skill to uplift society—that is the highest form of adoration that God will

Three‑in‑One Now

On Krishna Ashtami in 1967, Bhagavan Baba in His discourse said that man must allow the Krishna within him to Lord over his mind and let Him trample on the hissing hoods and tame


The following discourse was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on June 18, 1970, on the auspicious day of Gurupoornima. Gurupoornima is sacred for many rea­sons: this day, the seeker who suffers from

The Banana and the Peel

At the Onam festival in 1974, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that–”You must take this as the Onam message—strive to manifest, cultivate, and express love, and suppress pride and egoism, so that you

God’s Love is Equal for All

God’s love is indeed equal toward all. A fragrant flower emits the same fragrance irrespective of the hand it is held in; be it the left hand or the right. It is not for

Immortal Devotees of the Lord

The inextricable relationship between the devotees and the Lord, a relationship maintained by unassailable and unflinching faith on the one side and a continuous and loving care for the devotee on the other, was