Divine Discourses Archive

Madhura Bhakti

Bhagavan Baba says that mellifluous devotion or madhura bhakti is the final stage in the experience of merging in God. He says this love is without any blemish and the being is completely dedicated

The Ganesha Principle

In this discourse on Ganesha Chaturathi, Swami tells us how the Mahabharata was written by Ganesha and dictated by Vyasa. The sacred occasion is on August 27th this year. The world has many exemplary

The Five D’s

Swami says any human being who has compassion for others, who adheres to the Truth, and who dedicates his body to the good of others will experience no serious trouble. The primary reason is

Easwaramma—a Mother’s Life with the Lord

People from all over the world honor the pious, righteous mother Easwaramma for gifting mankind with Sri Sathya Sai, the Avatar [incarnation of God] of the Kaliyuga [Iron Age, also known as the age

Advice to Seekers

The following article is from a discourse by Bhagavan Baba on the occasion of Good Friday in 1975. He says that the first step to self-realization is self-confidence, which we all have to develop

Lessons of the Ramayana

The following excerpts from Baba’s speeches highlight how an Avatar’s [Rama’s] life is the message. Rama embodied dharma, the right path. Rama kept and upheld dharma by His adherence to truth, the given word, and

The Essence of Rama

Here is an illustration of this truth: When the people of Ayodhya came to know that Rama [their king] was leaving for the forest, a poor aged brahmin lamented, “I hear Rama is going

What Is a New Year?

In the following discourse, delivered more than three decades ago, on the occasion of the Telegu New Year day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba calls on His devotees to recognize the brotherhood of man

Atom of Majesty

Bhagavan Baba clarifies the symbolism behind His manifesting the lingam on the holy night of Shivaratri [on February 26 this year].  In the ensuing discourse, Baba emphasizes that His mission to establish righteousness on the earth

A Happy Human Community

In this discourse, Sathya Sai Baba advises His college students to have firm faith in themselves so they can advance spiritually. He urges them to follow the path of truth, morality, and righteousness, living

Divinity Through Love

Men and women of many faiths From the four corners of the world Have gathered here with love and humility, Unmindful of comfort or discomfort, Enduring numerous travails, All for the sake of Baba’s

 My Mission and Your Task

How simply and how sweetly, yet most powerfully, our beloved Swami explains, cajoles, and inspires us to understand His reason for being here and our own essential responsibility. It is festival time everyday here,