Divine Discourses Archive
Peace is non-existent; Truth is scarce; Fear of weapons has mounted. Selfishness is the cause of these harmful trends. These words convey the truth. ( Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
In their own way and style, the followers of every religion call upon the one God who is omnipresent. It is the same God who confers upon all mankind health, prosperity, peace, and happiness.
Divine Discourses
December 1, 2002
Remove the impurities of the mind; Fill your heart with supremely pure feelings. The eye of wisdom will reveal to you that The world is filled with the light of Brahman. Why does a
Divine Discourses
December 1, 2002
This article is excerpted from a discourse by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to the women in Anantapur College on the values and qualities to be cultivated by women. Education must help weaken all
Divine Discourses
November 1, 2002
Just as the reflection is not stuck to the mirror, Just as lotus leaves are not wet by the water they dwell in, Sins cannot stick to a devotee. Birth and death are an
The more you rub a piece of sandalwood on a grindstone, the greater the fragrance it emits. As you chew a piece of sugarcane, the more you chew the greater the sweet juice you get
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2002
Trees bear fruit for the benefit of others. Rivers flow to help others. Cows give milk in the interest of others. This body has been given to serve others. ( Part 1 | Part
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2002
Bhagawan has captured our attention with many a story of Shirdi Baba’s life. Here He narrates the circumstances in which Shirdi Baba performed his first miracle as a young lad of ten years. God
Divine Discourses
September 1, 2002
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke on Guru Poornima in 1990. He said that we must not look for a guru outside of ourselves, but should turn our search inwards to find the personal
In the following discourse, Swami describes the birth of Lord Krishna. He throws light on various symbolisms, such as why Krishna was the eighth child. This year Krishnashtami [the day His birth is celebrated] is on
Where do you search endlessly, O crazy mind, For the vision of the Lord? Brahman is within you! Recognize this truth and see Him within yourself. Sai’s words reveal the path of truth. Love
The following discourse of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the pilot to a series of discourses to be published in the following months. During the Summer Course in 1991, Bhagavan spoke on the
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