Divine Discourses Archive
When it rains on sand, the water seeps down. When it rains on red earth, the water stays. When the rain falls on an oyster, a pearl is born. Likewise, devotion grows according to
In the following discourse, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba explains how not only humans, but Gods, too, have to go through the consequences of karma [past actions]. He spoke to students during a workshop
In this discourse given by Sai Baba on Good Friday in 1975, He strongly admonishes seekers to stop searching for God outside themselves and o work on practice and transformation within. If somebody says
Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba says that we should be like the river which strives, yearns, and struggles to merge with the sea from which it comes. Sivarathri, which falls on March 12, is a
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in one of His discourses said that our minds are not only influenced by the food we take in through our mouths but also through the various senses. The
Swami says, “Nowadays, service has become more talk and less deed. But the Lord cannot be deceived. He is vigilant and all‑knowing.” Swami illustrates His point with the following story. Once on a Sivarathri
In the following discourse, Bhagavan Baba shows us how idol worship is an important tool for our spiritual efforts to attain the goal of being one with the Lord. “There is only one God
In July 1983, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the significance of fasting, and other observances of the holy month of Ramzan. He emphasized that all religions teach that the way to attain
Divine Discourses
February 1, 2002
Man is so designed that he can derive ananda (bliss), and maintain it, only through association with his kind. To divest oneself of all contacts with others and tread a lonely path is a
Divine Discourses
February 1, 2002
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says that by complete surrender to the Lord we close the windows and doors. Thus we are bereft of “ego” and are not affected by joy or grief. It makes
On November 22, 1967, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave a discourse on seva [selfless service] to the people who had volunteered to help during the birthday festivities. We, as His volunteers in centers
In the following discourse, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says that we can call ourselves children of God only when we recognize that He does pure and selfless actions, for our sake with no
Divine Discourses
December 1, 2001
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