Divine Discourses Archive

The Voice of the Ocean

In 1969 Bhagavan spoke on Guru Poornima Day. He said that each body you see before you is a mirror in which, if only you open your eyes, you can see the image of

The Love of the Gopis

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said in His discourse on Krishna Janmashtami [Krishna’s birthday] in 1963 that there should be no artificiality in your attachment to the Lord, no affectation, no pride, no egoism

How Can We Satisfy God with Our Actions?

When Rama visited Shabari [an ascetic lady from the Ramayana], He told her, “I am hungry.” She gave Him some berries that she found in the forest. The Lord went to everybody. He went

The Difference Between Universal Love and Individual Love

What is the way of practicing Swami’s teachings? How can one get complete benefit of Swami’s darshan (being in the presence of a holy being)? It is only through love. Love is God. Love

Heroic Mothers and Noble Sons

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in a discourse in May 1996 said that the Mother principle embodies seven potencies—fame, wealth, speech, wisdom, intelligence, fortitude, and determination—thus she is highly sacred. Embodiments of divine love!

The Immortal Guide to Immortality

These days when anxiety casts its shadow over the land, the recollection of the birth and achievements of Rama acts as armor to the agitated mind. Rama is in truth the Vedas [scriptures] personified.

The Real Panchangam

In 1961, on the Tamil New Year day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that we should not take the predictions of astrologers seriously, instead we should take things as and when they come.

What are the Three Types of Transformation?

Human life is full of many secrets and mysteries. It is full of many powers. It is full of attraction. Man is a powerful magnet. He is a powerful electric generator. There are three

Understanding the Relationship between Man and God

Many imagine God to appear before them in response to Yagnas and Yagas [Vedic rituals] that they perform. All these are illusions. It is just imagination. What ultimately manifests before you directly is the


On Shivaratri day in 1969, Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba explained the various aspects of the Shiva principle. He said that we were still in the listening state and had to get the stage

The Highest Devotion

This world is a manifestation of the mind. The world as well as the senses are manipulated by the mind alone. The senses and the world take sustenance from the mind. The entire universe

Lessons in Karma and Dharma from the Mahabharata

The edifice of man’s life is erected on four walls: janma, karma, dharma, and Brahman (birth, actions, duties, and Supreme Reality). These four walls are interdependent and inextricably connected with each other. For what does birth