Divine Discourses Archive

Experiencing the Omnipresence

In His discourse to the students, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that among the gifts of God, time is the most important gift. The secret of human existence is to make the best

The Duty of Parents and Teachers Toward Children

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke on Easwaramma Day in May 1992 and said that parents should not hesitate to correct the child if he is wrong, and they should be exemplary in their

The Cleansing Process

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, on the occasion of Vishu [Kerala New Year], gave the following discourse in which He explained how to cleanse our minds. He said that man has to prepare himself

The Secret of a Happy Life

The way to happiness lies through a track of pain and suffering, clarifies Bhagavan Baba to His students. Pleasure is simply the interval between two pains. Sometimes certain feelings originate in our heart. Clouds

The New Year Pledge

Today is the holy Yugadi (Telugu New Year) day. We bid farewell to the year gone by and welcome the New Year. We hope that during this year, called Siddharthi, our time and activity

Teaching Values by Example

The following are excerpts from Bhagavan Baba’s valedictory discourse that He gave to the National Symposium on Value Orientation in September 1987. “Human values cannot be learnt from lectures or text‑books. Those who seek

Shivaratri: its Significance

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba in His discourse on Shivaratri in 1971 explained the significance of the Lingam, the Lingodbhavam, and why Sita was separated from Rama during the exile. The scriptures composed by the

How to Cultivate Friendship With God?

Sneha [affection] is the eighth of nine stages of bhakti (devotion) described in the Bhagavatam [scripture] and other texts. It is usually translated as ‘friendship’, a term that has been understandably vulgarized by application

Inherit Sai Wealth: Love

This great Motherland of ours, which produced high-souled men           who spread its glory across the continents; This heroic land that won its freedom from occidental adventurers; This sacred land that achieved eminence in

Secure God’s Love

Bhagavan Baba in His Christmas Day discourse at Poornachandra Auditorium said that you are all messengers of God. But you have no right to call yourselves messengers of God if your actions are bad,

Diamonds in the Dust

In the following discourse during Dasara, Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba explains that we should not identify ourselves with the body but the atma as that confers bliss, peace, and light. Compassion toward all

The Ray of God

The Upanishads say that the human is a spark of Divine Love, encased in five sheaths: the anna (gross, material, food component), the prana (vital air, breath), the mana (the mental, emotional, volitional), the