Sai SOUL 100 Archive

My Growth with God!

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Brother Krishna Mohan shares his journey with Swami starting with organizing slippers during his first visit to Puttaparthi to moments when Swami revealed His Divinity on

God’s Hand on us!

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sisters Audrey Bailey-Hocker and April Bailey share their miraculous journey into Swami’s fold and how He gradually poured His love upon them. Even during incredibly challenging

My Inner-View with Swami

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sister Lizette Jaffri shares her story of finding Swami and learning to connect with him through inner-view. Beloved Swami repeatedly reassured her that Jesus and Sai

Walk with Me to Reach Your Destiny!

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sister Sruthi Krishnamoorthi has been guided by Swami every moment of her life. She shares incidents where her worldly experiences have been reinforced with dreams and

The Power of His Grace

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Brother Mohan Manikkam shares how Swami hooked him by showering his family with unconditional love. Brother Mohan is blessed with witnessing the materialization of vibhuti and

Swami Carried Me Through

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Sister Shailaja Rabindran shares about a series of experiences in which Swami’s love and grace carried her through a very difficult period in her life.  

If You Let Him, He Will Lead the Way!

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Brother Paavan Kotini shares a series of experiences he had while visiting Swami at the age of 16, which left him in awe of Swami, leading

When You Say YES to Swami!

In this audio interview from Sai SOUL 100, Bob Singh of Flushing, New York shares wonderful stories in which he received Swami’s commands through dreams. Bob asked no questions. He said “Yes,” accepted and