Thought of the Month Archive

Sankalpa Means…

The mind wills, yearns, prompts, and insists on effort and action. This process is named sankalpa. These are like commands. Everyone has to be aware of the variety and validity of the actions induced

Know Thyself

Today people worship God in various ways. They pray to God, “Oh Lord!  Let me have a vision of you! Free me from all my troubles.” When one listens to these prayers, one is

Does God Look for His Devotee?

All  appear  as devotees and all proclaim their spirit of sacrifice. Everyone declares himself or herself as a sadhaka (spiritual aspirant). Every believer claims that he is seeking God. One must enquire whether it

Qualities of a Good Friend

While in this transient world, wading through joy and grief, man has sore need of one of his kind to whom he can communicate his feelings, with whom he can share his discoveries and

Discipline for Children

Swami says that we should discipline our children and not allow them to wander about without control. He further says: Discipline is the mark of intelligent living. Parents should not allow children to fall

Games the Mind Plays

Life sustained by food is short; life sustained by the atman (Divine Spirit) is eternal. Do not lay claim to long life, but to divine life. Do not pine for more years on earth,

Body Performs & Mind Distinguishes

The body performs actions; the mind distinguishes between right and wrong. The atma [individual soul] functions as the witness. Although these three appear to differ from each other, they are interrelated; it is only

Past Actions and Merit

Through activity man attains purity of consciousness. In fact man has to welcome activity with this end in view. And why strive for a pure consciousness? Imagine a well with polluted and muddy water

Coat the Heart with Love

When the morning sun is above the horizon and you walk away from it toward the west, your shadow lengthens and struts before you. That shadow is maya [illusion], the primal illusion, and the

Kundalini Shakti

The mooladhara, the lowest of the chakras (energy centers) at the lower end of the spinal passage, is the embodiment of prakruti (nature) principle. Therefore it is related to the annamaya kosha, the material

Yearn For True Education

Swami urges constant Self enquiry & explains how to do so: It is within everyone’s capability to discover the existence of God. You do not need degrees, education, skills, or proficiencies for this achievement.

Devotion as a Way of Life

Swami says that devotion is a constant continuous bend of mind and a way of life. He explains how we should adhere to it: Man starts with actions, recognizing that the human body is