Thought of the Month Archive
Of all the workshops of the world, the workshop of the body is the most wonderful because it is the tabernacle of the Lord. In such a factory, the impulses are sublimated into vows,
Of all the workshops of the world, the workshop of the body is the most wonderful, because it is the tabernacle of the Lord. In such a factory, the impulses are sublimated into vows,
Man is a mixture of maya and Madhava; the maya (illusion) throws a mist that hides the Madhava (God). But through the action of the healthy impulses inherited from acts performed while in previous bodies or through the cleansing done by
Years come and go, so also pleasure and pain. Nothing confers permanent bliss except the experiences of the atma. Man cannot attain peace and happiness from his actions unless he has sacred feelings within. Many people
There are many people who are not aware of even the meaning of the word, prashanti. It is as the backbone to each individual, and for the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) it is as the
The word generally used for religion is mata; the word to indicate the mind is mati. Putting the two together it can be said that mata is primarily engaged or ought to be engaged
There is a method by which the demands of the senses can be reconciled and harmonized. This is by treating both good and bad with equal mindedness. Tukaram [a saint] is an illustrious example
Embodiments of love! Everything in the world has a value, but the value of the spoken word cannot be easily measured. By his words man can acquire every kind of wealth. By their words
People in general cannot understand what spirituality is and what individual freedom is. Spirituality does not mean living in solitude, far away from society. On the other hand, true spirituality consists in sowing the
People in general cannot understand what spirituality is and what individual freedom is. Spirituality does not mean living in solitude, far away from society. On the other hand, true spirituality consists in sowing the
The root cause of all difficulties experienced by man is forgetting his spiritual reality and identifying himself with his body. The body is only the vesture of the indwelling spirit. By immersing himself in
Excerpts from the Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagawan on 30 May 1993. In this age of technology, in order to maintain the burdensome family life and to bring more prosperity, man struggles day and