
The heart of a human being should be full of the noble qualities of tolerance, perseverance, sympathy, and contentment. Only then can the human easily understand the principle of the Self and propagate the

God’s Love is Equal for All

God’s love is indeed equal toward all. A fragrant flower emits the same fragrance irrespective of the hand it is held in; be it the left hand or the right. It is not for

Sai and Sufi Tradition: An Islamic View

The Sufi tradition found its milestone of advaitic thought in the beliefs of Ibn­ al‑Arabi (1165‑1240) and the widespread acceptance of his theory of Wahdat‑al-Wujud [unity of being]. Al‑Arabi is nearer to Vedic and

Lead into Gold

In 1967 Howard Murphet, the author of the book Man of Miracles, spoke at a public meeting in Chennai [Madras in Southern India] in the presence of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Following is

Immortal Devotees of the Lord

The inextricable relationship between the devotees and the Lord, a relationship maintained by unassailable and unflinching faith on the one side and a continuous and loving care for the devotee on the other, was

Glimpses of Baba

(From “The Movement,” California) (I was in the United States in September‑October 1974, visiting Sathya Sai Centers. The California newspaper named “The Movement” devoted to an exposition of the spiritual life interviewed me in


Men who are devoted to Me are full of love. They always stand by dharma or righteousness. They speak the truth. Their hearts melt with mercy. They are devoid of wrong conduct. They avoid

Noble Mothers Breed Noble Sons

Embodiments of love! This entire cosmos is under the control of God. God is subject to truth. Truth is governed by the noblest persons. These noble beings are embodiments of the Divine. Students! Today

Prasanthi Nilayam

Prasanthi Nilayam…. the Abode of Peace. The heart leaps at the very mention of the name. How we long to be there! We greet with joy those who are just returning from there, hoping

Hide and Seek

We landed in Madras, but He was nowhere to be spied— That slice of Orange Robe amidst the crowd­— We suspected that the fellow who tipped us off had lied. And we scolded him

Can We Accept Gifts from Everyone?

Aparigraha means not accepting things from others. You have every right to receive gifts or other things from your parents. You are the product of your parents and hence you can accept from them

There is Only One

Bhakta: How can delusion disappear, Swami? Swami: When you grasp its secret through inquiry, the many merges in five, the three in one, and the I exists as I. You get headache, you apply