His Touch that Purifies

The late Charles Penn was an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He often received messages from Baba during his meditations, which he shared with fellow devotees. The following piece is one

Purity—the Path to Liberation

Buddha Poornima, which was celebrated for the first time in Prasanthi Nilayam in 1996, has become an annual event.  In the following discourse, Bhagavan Baba emphasizes to the need to imbibe the teachings of

The Lord’s Prayer

Oh! Lord! Take My Love and let it flow in fullness or devotion to thee Oh! Lord! Take my hands and let them work incessantly for thee Oh! Lord! Take my soul and let


Swami reminds us here of our supreme duty and obligation to our mother. In these days of varied cultural mores, people often forget that they owe their life to their mother. Swami upholds and

The Company You Keep

Question: Swami, company is very essential for everybody. Is it as significant as it is said to be? Bhagavan: Undoubtedly, good company is very important for every one of you. In fact, you should

Good Thoughts

Good people sacrifice their personal interests and purify the atmosphere of their environment. They are like an incense stick that goes on burning and radiating fragrance to everyone who comes close to them, even


Hanuman is an integral and an important part of the Ramayana. There are very important lessons that we can learn from him. In the following discourse, Bhagavan Baba illustrates the various ways in which a

The Prayer that Baba Gave

At one of the sessions at the recent convention in Taupo, New Zealand, we were asked to discover the inner meaning of the words of a beautiful prayer that Baba gave us many years

The Agni Pariksha

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has opened schools and colleges to impart education to young boys and girls. In the following article, a student shares his experience of undergoing Baba’s tests when he is

F. F. F. F.

Bhagavan Baba says follow the four Fs, which are Follow the Master, Face the devil, Fight to the end, and Finish the game. The following article illustrates that this is true in Christianity and

A New Year Resolution for You

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai’s teachings have been consistent since His advent. Four decades ago, on the auspicious day of Yugadi—the Telugu New Year day—He categorically emphasized sweet and gentle speech as the fundamental criteria

Taste the Sweetness of the Song

This letter written by an Indian physician more than three decades ago reveals the healing aspects of the vibhuti [sacred ash] manifested by Bhagavan Baba. The thrilling anecdote underscores similar experiences of thousands of devotees worldwide.