O, Dance for Joy

In the following speech published nearly three decades ago, a close American devotee, John Hislop, congratulates the students of the Brindavan college campus for the extraordinary opportunity they have to adore and be in

The Private Room

In the following article, a devotee captures the quintessential experience of a much-solicited private audience with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The seemingly indifferent attitude of the Lord metamorphoses into an intimate, almost familial interaction

Swami is Selfless

Question: Swami, we don’t find out our own faults. Even if we recognize them, we justify them. Because of our narrow-mindedness, we don’t understand Your infinite love. We doubt and limit Your love. As

Become the Master of Your Surroundings & Circumstances

Be bold. Do not grieve over the past; such grief is useless. Strange things do happen when times are not propitious and circumstances so conspire. Of what benefit is it to lay the fault

The Festival of Lights

Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave the discourse below at the Prasanthi Nilayam ashram on Diwali [Festival of Lights] day, October 25, 1973. In the discourse, He explained how and why various Indian states celebrate

“ …….. Yet I Continue to Work”

In the following article, a long-time devotee of Bhagavan Baba, M.V.N. Murthy, draws a parallel between the present avatar and Sri Krishna. Both avatars did not need to work, but they carried on righteous work to

Baba and Miracles: A Muslim View

This article is written by an old-time devotee who is teaching in Anantapur College for Girls, the first college established by Bhagavan Baba for women. Here she compares the teachings of Islam to those of

The Life of Isa

Sathya Sai Baba said in His December 1978 Christmas discourse that Isa (another name for Jesus) was born with a purpose in life. He taught that first you work as a messenger or servant of

My Task is This

In the following letter, written when He was about 20 years of age, Sri Sathya Sai consoles a devotee who was anguished by criticism against Baba. Bhagavan points out that divine beings are unaffected

Bethlehem and Brindavan

“The birthday of Christ is when He is born in each person’s heart. It is only on that day that a person is entitled to celebrate Christmas,” says Sathya Sai Baba. Centuries ago, the

The Lord Is My Shepherd

This is the true story of how we discovered Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. My wife, 11 children and myself are Roman Catholics by faith. We are God-fearing people and do not relish denouncing


Joyful news I bring.… Paradox, but, truth! Ageless has an age! … Birthless has a day of birth! In human form, in leela mood, It came. Seeking you and me, fainting, faltering, weak, And,