
The devotee is ever conscious that the universe is a manifestation of the Divine and is permeated by the Divine. His life is based on the recognition of the immanence of God in everything.

No Greater Sin than Ingratitude

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphasizes the efficacy of gratitude in the following discourse delivered almost a decade back. Citing examples from the Mahabharata, gratitude, He declares, is the quintessential virtue.  His command: Help

Courage and Faith in Sarajevo

Bhagavan Baba guides us all in His own silent way so that we can move closer to the goal of realizing our true potential. In the following story, Prini Wimlachandra of New Zealand—a former student

Our Experience with Happiness

The author exhorts us to aspire for what Bhagavan Baba has come to give: divine bliss. The article points out the futile search for permanent happiness in the transient worldly objects and associated, fleeting

Chaitanya and the ‘Outcast’

In the following discourse, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba highlights an episode from the life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to show the brotherhood of humanity. He also emphasizes the need for pure devotion that transcends all

Keep It UP

The glory of Baba was for years a fairy tale for me. My wife was an ardent devotee and believed in His Divinity with her entire heart. But she was not free to worship

God is Love

Question: Swami, You seem to be very upset and annoyed when anything goes wrong regarding discipline, educational standards, and personality development in general. Swami, You come down heavily on students when they don’t meet

Youth are the Future of the World

Since the sense organs are highly potent, the first and foremost task for man is to bring them under his control for leading an ideal life. Because young people today have lost control over

Revere the Mother

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the following discourse stresses the gratitude one owes one’s parents. In particular, he draws on the example of His love for His mother Easwaramma, whose devotion to Baba allowed

Buddha’s Response

There used to be a village-chief who did not like Buddha’s way of life. He used to look upon him as a lazy person who was gathering round him young men and making them

Message of the Avatars and the Epics

In the ensuing discourse, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphasizes the key role of societal service in upholding dharma—righteousness. He urges us to control the three vices of anger, desire, and greed citing examples from the


Question: Swami, to what extent are parents responsible for the degradation of values among children? Bhagavan: My opinion is that parents are solely responsible for spoiling children. Many parents behave like Dhritarashtra, the blind