Always Be Aware of the Highest Truth

The sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) should always seek the truthful and joyful; he must avoid all thoughts of the sad and the depressing. Depression, doubt, conceit—these are harmful to the spiritual aspirant. When his devotion

Face the Challenge of Anger

In April many states of India celebrate their New Year. According to the Indian almanac 1985 was the year of Krodhana, so, Swami discoursed on the challenge of anger and how to deal with

The Interview

To the vast majority of people, especially westerners, the idea of kneeling down and touching, with hands, forehead or lips, the feet of another human being is somewhat alien. Even my husband, Ron, before

Feel it, Feel it

In 1973 Baba spoke with His American devotees and gave the following message. You, as body, mind or soul, are a dream. What you really are is: “existence-knowledge-bliss.” You are God of the universe.

Operation Smile

As Baba devotees, we are all aware of the forceful influence of the Baba smile. It is the most charming aspect of His multifaceted personality. It is also His most effective instrument for teaching,

Advice to Seekers

In His discourse on Good Friday in 1975, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that we should reduce the wandering of the body so that we can concentrate, contemplate and meditate.  If somebody says

Youth and Education

Question: Swami, we are progressing in the fields of science and technology.  But, the modern youth are not able to face life’s problems courageously. They [the youth] are depressed by the slightest problem. They

Those Who Exalt Will Be Humbled

When Jesus noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down at the place of

Ramayana in Your Heart

In the following discourse delivered in Madras on Rama’s birthday in 1961, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba reveals that the Ramayana and its characters represent an ongoing process of spiritual growth. The vehicle of

Sabari’s Devotion

Sri Sathya Sai Baba narrated the following story to SSE teachers to show them how they should treat their students as their own children and help them find the God within. Bhagavan equates such

The Cleansing Process

On the Telegu new-year day in 1981, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba blessed devotees gathered at Prasanthi Nilayam with a profound discourse on means to achieve peace. He emphasized the role of right-mindedness and

Life Is the Best Teacher

I remember the first time I came to Prasanthi Nilayam [Sai Baba’s ashram; literally, “abode of the highest peace”], in the summer of 1977. I expected to find various classes and seminars on hatha yoga,