Mother’s Responsibility

A woman is like a field, while man is just like a seed. If we do not have a field, the seed cannot sprout. For all life on earth, woman is responsible. Great people,

Relevance of Ramayana to Modern Life

Ramanavami (the birth of the Ramavatar) falls on April 11 this year. In emphasizing the importance of Rama, Swami has said: “The entire universe is under the control of God. God is governed by

The Apology

In late summer of 1985 I visited a few relatives and friends in Germany. While in Hamburg, I saw an old friend who owns and runs a small goldsmith shop and studio close to

Actions Determine Grace

Sincere effort and actual activity entitle you to the grace of God. When Jesus Christ entered the precincts of the Temple of Jerusalem and found people sacrificing doves and other living beings to God,

Human Values in Daily Life

Sathya Sai Baba says, “The inner meaning of all spiritual discipline is to make man realize  his true nature.” What is this true nature? Baba says that we are God, not different from God.

Gita: The Song of Life – 4

Sri Krishna explains to Arjuna that He comes down as an ‘avatar’—divine incarnation—to protect the good and the righteous and to destroy evil. He leads people on the path of peace and prosperity, perfection

Fun With Sai

Once a few of us were sitting on the verandah at Whitefield in Bangalore, Swami very graciously joined the group and narrated the following story: There was a king who asked a Pandit as

Four by Six

Bhagavan Baba received a complaint that spiritual life is complicated and difficult. He responded by saying that on the contrary it is worldly life which is complicated and difficult, whereas spiritual life is easy,

Baba Answers

Q: Baba! Please tell us how you are attained. I find my sadhana [spiritual efforts] infructuous. A: I know you are inflicting many austerities on yourself. I must tell you that I am attained

Jesus’s Life

In celebration of the Christian Lenten season, which culminates on Easter Day, Swami teaches us in the following passages the meaning of Jesus’s life and ultimate sacrifice of Himself. The true significance of these

Thieves or Masters?

On March 1st this year, the holy festival of Mahasivarathri will be observed around the world. Here Bhagavan Sri Sathya SaiBaba reiterates the real meaning of the various disciplines sages have exhorted us to

God’s Will Ultimately Prevails

Embodiments of Love! You are all the embodiments of the Trinity. You are the embodiments of the three attributes (trigunas). You must propitiate Lord Shiva to achieve the purity of the heart, for Shiva