Gita: The Song of Life – 1

The epic battle of Kurukshetra took place around 3,100 B.C. between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. King Dhritarashtra, the father of the Kauravas, being blind, did not qualify to become the King, so the

A Lovely Event

Early this morning, I was in the kitchen rinsing off the breakfast dishes before going to work. A thud against the back door caught my attention and I went to investigate. Lying on its

Fun With Sai

Enveloped with Love Swami sometimes manifests a gift for a devotee to take home to a sick relative, and on those occasions He will sometimes put it in a suitable envelope from His latest

Prasna Upanishad—Answers to the Sixth Student’s Questions

Peace is non-existent; Truth is scarce; Fear of weapons has mounted. Selfishness is the cause of these harmful trends. These words convey the truth. (  Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3 | 

Look Deep Within

So long as there remains a separate river distant from the ocean, which is its source and its goal, then the river will retain a separate name and have an individual identity. But once


In their own way and style, the followers of every religion call upon the one God who is omnipresent. It is the same God who confers upon all mankind health, prosperity, peace, and happiness.

Gita: The Song of Life – Introduction

Sai Sarathi, from this issue onward, is pleased to present the serialized poem, The Song of Life, composed by Sri N. Kasturi in the last years of his life. He also wrote Sathyam Sivam

Small Teachings

What is the use of searching for quiet in the jungle of the world when it is available only in the silence of inner awareness? It is like losing something in your room and searching

Prasna Upanishad—Answers to the Fourth and Fifth Students’ Questions

Remove the impurities of the mind; Fill your heart with supremely pure feelings. The eye of wisdom will reveal to you that The world is filled with the light of Brahman.  Why does a

Fun With Sai

Baba’s Car Gets the Pranams One day in the mountains of Kodaikanal, Baba’s red Mercedes came down to the main road. Devotees were across the lake about a kilometer away. As soon as Baba’s

Carols in the Rain

During darshan at Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s ashram, throngs of people sit in lines and wait for Him to appear. There is complete silence as He walks by, talking to someone here, taking

Is a Path Needed?

Q:    Baba! Your advent has been a great landmark in human history. A:    Millions come to me, but few give me their attention. It is a matter of demand and supply. God