Kena Upanishad

Where do you search endlessly, O crazy mind, For the vision of the Lord? Brahman is within you! Recognize this truth and see Him within yourself. Sai’s words reveal the path of truth. Love

Puja Pain

This story was narrated by Bhagavan during the Summer Course in ’79. It relates to the folly of worshipping a guru but not following his teachings. Once there was a noble guru who had a

Tailored Advice

In the following story, Swami shows that in dealing with devotees, the Lord has to maintain a balance and each is dealt with differently, according their needs. Whether in olden times or nowadays, there

Surrender to the Guru

Give the guru your mind, as you would entrust gold to the goldsmith. The guru may need to melt, mold, or beat your mind, but do not worry, as He will return to you

The Glory of Upanishads

The following discourse of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the pilot to a series of discourses to be published in the following months. During the Summer Course in 1991, Bhagavan spoke on the

Small Teachings

The pleasure that man gets from sense enjoyment is like the pleasure one gets while scratching eczema—it only makes the complaint worse. You cannot cure it by yielding to the temptation to scratch. The

Many Religions, One Purpose

Mr. T. G. Krishnamurthy is a long-time devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the president of the Sai organization of Madras. We present here an inspiring talk he gave at the Manhattan

The World is a Reflection of You 

Baba told this story at Kodaikanal. Once a man fainted on the side of the road and was unconscious for a long time. An alcoholic saw the man lying on the side of the

Truth Is the Foundation

What is man’s highest objective? What is his most precious ideal? The Vedas say that there is no rule higher than truth. This mansion, named the universe, stands on the foundation of truth—sathya. You


Do not encourage the multiplication of desires. It is best for you to be content with whatever you have been given. In the chapter on Bhakti Yoga, Krishna enumerated the 26 noble qualities of

From Mother to Moksha

When it rains on sand, the water seeps down. When it rains on red earth, the water stays. When the rain falls on an oyster, a pearl is born. Likewise, devotion grows according to

Tale of Two Tents

This is how Baba introduced the Gita during a discourse in Puttaparthi some years ago. Once there was a King who had a large empire. He was very sad because he was under the