What Is True Fearlessness?

Once a mendicant with tattered clothes, unkempt hair, and dirty body, came and stood at the threshold of Chaitanya’s room and was meditating with closed eyes. On seeing him, Chaitanya came out and asked

Let Us Go to Parthi

Let us go where children are singing And the mountains are echoing back, Where the breeze of ecstasy Is anxious to soothe and cure, Where the Mansion of Peace and Love Is towering majestic

Love is the Key

Man is so designed that he can derive ananda (bliss), and maintain it, only  through association with his kind. To divest oneself of all contacts with others and tread a lonely path is a

Small Teachings

You use a mosquito net to avoid being bitten. As long as you have the net, no matter how many mosquitoes there are outside, you don’t have to worry. However, if mosquitoes are inside


Self-inquiry is not a regular practice for most of us. It requires a change from our present way of being so involved with the world that we never take the time to ask ourselves

Sacrifice is Essential for Spirituality

Charity is giving of money, time, or energy for a good cause; sacrifice is giving up of one’s bad traits and weaknesses. If sacrifice means just giving up of hearth and home, many people

Close the Windows and Save the Lamp

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says that by complete surrender to the Lord we close the windows and doors. Thus we are bereft of “ego” and are not affected by joy or grief. It makes

A Chance to Do God’s Work

Berniece Mead is the National Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) Coordinator for USA. Full of  love and good humor, she is an inspiring speaker with a down-to-earth, practical approach to life. This is an excerpt


There is always a hint of the Divine child in this most glorious and unique Sai phenomenon. I am constantly haunted by a delightful incident recounted by Professor Kasturi in his memoirs, Loving God.

As He Wills

On November 22, 1967, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba gave a discourse on seva [selfless service] to the people who had volunteered to help during the birthday festivities. We, as His volunteers in centers

Small Teachings

You have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory. You are a wave on that ocean of Bliss. You will regain peace only when you merge in Him. Like a child

Narada’s Test

Swami says that people ask how can they find time for namasmarana (repeating the name) when they have to work day and night to earn enough to feed and clothe themselves. But do not