Nine Point Code of Conduct

The following article is based on discussions conducted by members of the Brookline Center (Northeast Region) on the nine-point code of conduct, given to devotees by Sathya Sai Baba as a prescription for spiritual

Teacher of Truths

The following article is adapted from a contribution by Professor N. Kasturi, published in the commemorative issue of Sanathana Sarathi, titled Garland of Golden Rose, released on Sathya Sai Baba’s fiftieth birthday. “You cannot

Union With God

Paramhansa Yogananda’s unshakeable and sincere message of devotion and prayer is best stated in his own words, “Your greatest necessity is God.” Forming a bridge between the two hemispheres, East and West, his life


Fearlessness results from understanding who we are. Here is what Swami says. “When you have steady faith and an integral vision, and when you constantly think of the indwelling divinity, you will not become

Krishna’s Birthday

Following are some excerpts from Swami’s discourses given on Krishna’s birthday. They illuminate Krishna’s central message, providing guidance for living a spiritually grounded life while engaging in the action of the world. After Swami’s

Sai Olympics  

The following is taken from Dr. J. Jagadesan’s talk at the annual northeast region conference of the Sathya Sai Baba Organization in May, 1999. A devotee since 1976, Dr. Jagadesan has been at the

Ramakrishna: Devotional Giant of the Twentieth Century

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is one the most remarkable and inspiring spiritual figures in the history of mankind. In the introduction to The Life of Sri Ramakrishna, written by the monks of the Ramakrishna Order in

On Ganesha

Take the word Ganapati. `Ga’ represents buddhi (intellect). `Na’ signifies wisdom. Ganapati is the Lord of the intellect and wisdom. To worship the intellect and wisdom is one form of worship of Ganapati. Once,

Practicing Love in Our Daily Actions

When I told a fellow devotee that I was preparing to give a talk on love at an upcoming Sathya Sai Baba meeting, she shared the following experience with me. It happened at Baba’s

Fill Your Hearts With Love

Every Avatar comes for the purpose of spreading the message of love. Here’s what Swami says. “When you fill your hearts with love, you will have no ill-will toward anyone. Cultivate the faith that

Happy to Answer

The following excerpt from Pathway to Peace by Professor N. Kasturi illustrates Sathya Sai Baba’s unique and simple way of imparting essential truths to us—His devotees. Swami is happy when aspirants approach Him with

   Guru Purnima

Guru is a concept unique to Hindu philosophy. The word literally means one who dispels the darkness of ignorance. As Swami explains it, “gu” stands for gunaatheethaya—one who is beyond attributes, or gunas. Ru”