No One is Weak

On February 12 this year, Swami granted an interview to final-year students from the women’s college, the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur, India. Below are edited excerpts from Swa1ni’s discourse given

The God-voice is a Land Where the Beloved Wanders and Dwells

Life is a song* My Beloved comes forth in the vesture of skin. Oh, my Beloved speaks: I shall wear the garment that you wear. I shall come close so that you may come

Swami’s Surprise for Overseas Devotees

(On Tuesday, 2nd August 94, after the evening Bhajan in Brindavan, Swami surprised all the overseas devotees by inviting them for a Divine Discourse. Here are the excerpts constituting the first part of a

It Always Works

Once a month, the Sai Baba Center of Manhattan takes responsibility for the soup kitchen at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City and feeds nearly 300 people. Our fearless

Baba Provides

Recently, Swami gave me an opportunity to coordinate a project on EHV (Education in Human Values). We were trying to link students from my school in Washington Heights where I teach, with students from

3 of a Kind

There are three kinds of people   in the world. The first are like letters carved in a rock: they easily give way to anger and retain their angry thoughts for a long time. The

Young Adults Corner

In addition to the knowledge derived from the sacred texts, one should gain wisdom through experience. Knowledge without personal experience is futile. Wisdom lodged within us will be of no avail if it is

Q & A With Hislop

ln continuation of Dr. Hislop’s talk, published in the December issue of Sai Sarathi, the following are some of the questions that the audience had the opportunity to ask him after his talk. Q:

Before Darshan

Tricklings of time dropping through my vision one look stops the world the red carpet is spread fragrance garlanding Lord Krishna one look stops the world to be actively passive and passively active there

On the Other Side of the Law–Encounter with God

Michael McCarty, guest speaker at the Sathya Sai Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region, had gone through a lot of varied experiences by the time he came to Sathya Sai Baba. He grew up in

Panel Discussion on All Paths Lead to God

Six faiths are represented on Swami’s Sarva Dharma symbol, and to explore how all these religions lead to God, a member of each faith spoke at a panel discussion at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Sai

Members Study Swami’s Teachings at Regional Conference

In study circles and workshops at the Mid-Atlantic Sai Conference, members explored, debated, and reflected on the application of Sai’s teachings in various situations. Below are some thoughts that were shared within these groups.