Q & A With Hislop

ln continuation of Dr. Hislop’s talk, published in the December issue of Sai Sarathi, the following are some of the questions that the audience had the opportunity to ask him after his talk. Q:

Before Darshan

Tricklings of time dropping through my vision one look stops the world the red carpet is spread fragrance garlanding Lord Krishna one look stops the world to be actively passive and passively active there

On the Other Side of the Law–Encounter with God

Michael McCarty, guest speaker at the Sathya Sai Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region, had gone through a lot of varied experiences by the time he came to Sathya Sai Baba. He grew up in

Panel Discussion on All Paths Lead to God

Six faiths are represented on Swami’s Sarva Dharma symbol, and to explore how all these religions lead to God, a member of each faith spoke at a panel discussion at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Sai

Members Study Swami’s Teachings at Regional Conference

In study circles and workshops at the Mid-Atlantic Sai Conference, members explored, debated, and reflected on the application of Sai’s teachings in various situations. Below are some thoughts that were shared within these groups.

Young Adults Corner

From 1981 To 1993, Krishna Sai Kumar was a student at Swami’s school and the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. He completed his M.Com. degree in 1993 and is currently apprenticing with Kumbhat

In Gratitude to the Lord and His Instruments

A Letter to All Sisters and Brothers August 13, 1994: This merited the second anniversary of my kidney transplant, a time to remember and thank my Sai Center members and other fellow devotees who

Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba-The Information Superhighway

“I do not give speeches; My talks use more of the sambhashana (spiritual teaching) type; I want that you should follow every word of what I say with reverent attention, for your anandam (bliss)

Significance of Ganesha Worship

“The elephant-head of Ganesha is a symbol of intelligence, discrimination and wisdom. The elephant is ever alert and eminently conscious of its surroundings. Its memory is strong and deep. It treads through the thick

The Holy Days

“The great teachers belong to mankind. It is wrong to believe that Jesus belongs only to Christians…. To accept one of them as own and discard the rest as belonging to others is a

In the Arms of God

Just before I left for India in January this year, Linda, a reporter in my office, told me that her niece, a charming young girl of 16, had died suddenly in December of an

The Avatar and the Architect

One day, I was quietly sitting in my office at the Royal College of Art, trying to get on with my business. My secretary said that there was a man who wanted to come